Landing pages are crucial for conversions. Easy-to-use landing pages rank higher in search engines and generate the most leads. Any business with an online presence, may it be a credit repair agency like Fair Credit or a streaming service like Spotify, will need to update aspects of their landing page at some point. Updating your landing page allows you to optimise the ranking influence it generates.

Interestingly, user behavior changes every year, and new website design trends must be taken into account to continue to drive sales from your existing landing pages.

If your high-performing landing pages in 2019 suddenly started underperforming in 2021, then it’s a clear indication that your landing pages need a strategic refresh to post higher conversions.

Landing page reviews are necessary to reduce bounce rate, increase visitor time on page, and improve user actions.

This article will discuss some of the top 2021 web design trends that brands have embraced to revamp their landing page designs.

You can learn from trends and apply your own custom design intelligence to redesign your landing pages for 2022 and convert the maximum number of visitors.

Why Landing Page Design Is Critical To Conversions

Landing pages are the first stop in your consumers’ online shopping process and the first opportunity to make a good impression.

People on the Internet are less and less patient. It only takes about 50 milliseconds for a visitor to form an opinion about a brand and decide whether she wants to stay or leave the website.

Convincing modern customers to buy products or to fill out inquiry forms on a landing page is not easy with traditional website elements.

In 2021, it’s now harder to impress the visitors who come to your website than it was in 2019.

With a view to the target group in 2021 and beyond, an ideal landing page should be user-friendly, appealing, innovative and stimulate users to act.

Here are some of the top reasons why landing page design is so critical to conversions:

You only have 7 seconds to make a powerful impression. It is a period of time when visitors roughly scan the page and make their decisions.

Publishing more than 40 effective landing pages at regular intervals can generate 12 times more leads.

The average landing page conversion rate across all industries is just 2.35%.

Using the right targeting and testing types can increase landing page conversion rates by up to 300%.

Given the statistics above, it’s easy to say that a landing page needs to be impressive and fast enough to have a positive impact on visitors.

Landing Pages With High Conversion Rates And Lessons To Learn From Each Page

Below are some of the best high-conversion landing pages that were recently updated in 2021. For each page, we’ve listed a lesson you can learn to inspire your next design review in 2021 and beyond:


Landing Page: Nextiva Unified Communications Readiness Questionnaire Landing Page

Industry: Voice over IP software

Also, conversion measured by: potential customers fill out a form if they are interested

Then, redesign approach: improve the quantity and quality of leads

Solution: Replace the online form with an interactive questionnaire

In 2019 and even 2020, many companies practiced including a customer form on their landing pages as a call-to-action to initiate quick customer actions.

Also, the customer information form was useful for companies as it helped them generate leads quickly.

At the same time, however, there was no real reason to urge the customer to fill out the lead forms, especially if they consisted of more than 2-3 fields.

Nextiva used his creativity to replace boring lead forms with interactive questionnaires. When designing their 2021 page, the company added a questionnaire for visitors to participate in.

Therefore, goal is to have interactive pages to keep visitors interested and convince them to stay on the page.

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Best Practices For Product Roadmapping And Feature Prioritization In Software Startups

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