ndThe navigation is nothing but a crucial element on which your visitors might judge you. If you fail to create stellar navigation, then it will take a few seconds to piss off your visitors and will ultimately increase your bounce rate. Thus you must focus on adding some important navigation features to your web design. A good navigation system helps you to empower your users who come to interact with your product. At the same time, it is one of the main elements in your UX that you must focus on to create a lasting impact with your web design.  Here are some of the interesting and important navigation features that you can add to give your Atlanta web design a power boost.

Hamburger menu

The hamburger menu is one of the trendiest web designs that you can go on to pick for your navigation. It is a style of the menu that is often found in mobile-friendly designs. It is also becoming quickly popular for the desktop, and comes with 3 lines which offer you an area to click or tap to reveal more navigation options. And it helps to minimize the space consumption on your site and makes it look cleaner and optimized. To include an interesting hamburger menu on your website, you can avail of a cutting-edge service from Web design agency Sydney.

Vertical navigation

Vertical navigation is often found on the left-hand side of the screen. One of the most important perks of adding this is, it takes up a moderate amount of space on your screen. It displays a list of links for global navigation and can also include navigation levels like primary, secondary and tertiary.


Navigation gets easier and impactful when you go on adding more interesting features to it.  Breadcrumbs are one such kind of navigation system that you can add to your web design firms to create something stunning and responsive. The breadcrumbs come in the form of a secondary navigation system that shows the users clearly, where they are in the system. It gives them a better idea of how they can move around on your site.

CTA buttons

The CTA or the call-to-action buttons not only has umpteen benefits for your navigation but also work as one of the main elements in your ranking factors. Adding clearly visible and highly responsive CTA buttons help users to take quick actions on your site.  It makes your path easier to get quick and convenient conversion from your visitors.


Tabs are one of the most popular kinds of navigation patterns which are quite common for mobile-friendly websites. The tab navigation is easy to find at the bottom or the top of your screen. You can fit so many tabs at the bottom area of your screen. You can add your most important screens in the form of tabbed navigation. In this way, you can make things easier for your users to find things quickly on your site. also watch this session ishq malayalam

Primary navigation

Good primary navigation can be your key to win the hearts of your users. It needs to be consistent throughout your site. In primary navigation, typically, the main menu sits along the top area of the page or in the center or even at the left or right of the page. Another way you can use to treat your main menu is you can design it in a form so that it contrasts against everything else present on your site so that it can easily catch the attention.

Link back to your homepage

No matter what feature you add to your navigation, if you do not offer a button to your users to go back to the home page, all your efforts will be in vain. Thus make sure you are always adding a logo that links back to your homepage.  The most common places where you can add the logo are at the top left-hand corner or the center of the top with a responsive button. It will help your users to skip to the homepage whenever they want easily.


Creating a very unique and interesting web design is not difficult when you input the important navigation feature to it. The above-mentioned features are the key to create a very trendy mobile-friendly website that you can try out now.