The availability of faster bandwidths has caused videos to become ubiquitous. People collectively consume close to 1 billion hours of video content daily on YouTube. All this resounds video preference over other mediums, presenting the opportunity for digital marketers to make the most of the videos on their websites.

Today, business websites seek to grab eyeballs by embedding videos on homepages to get maximum traction. This blog attempts to spell out tips to consider before inserting a video into home pages.

Create Great Website Videos

Create Great Website Videos

  • Know the tools: It is good to spend some time with tech tools that will assist video creation. Know the hardware and the software that will make fantastic video creation accessible. As a beginner or newbie unaccustomed to the software, extensively watch tutorials, train, or get professional help to start. For instance, use an excellent online video editor to edit all your videos. The final aim should be about creating a neat and clean video that matches the standards set by fellow creators. 
  • Keep it simple: Remember that you need not shoot for the stars as a beginner. Begin with a simple idea for your business video. After all, business videos are relatively simple compared to entertainment videos that require much talent and resources investments. Start with a short video around the business concept you want to showcase to your viewers. With enough feedback from fellow creators and peers, you can work on more complex concepts and bring that to the website to get more traffic. 
  • Include CTAs: Although you may have a good idea and execute it to the best of your abilities, you still need to convey what action is expected of viewers. The expectation makes it imperative to include a clear call to action in all videos. It could be as simple as further visiting the website for more details or offering a lead magnet (e-book). Above all, with a CTA, you are not ambiguous about what you seek to achieve with the video. Given the importance of an outro, you do this with a good online video editor.
  • Be purposeful: Before you begin with the video, finalise the purpose of creating the video. Else, you might end up with a bland video with no takers. The footage may showcase your product, introduce the team, highlight product features, and even showcase the history of specific product finalisation. The concept will allow you to create a video that can explain your overarching purpose beyond the scope of written words. The video must be a medium for the audience to experience your brand and understand how it solves their pain points and achieves your goal.
  • Be creative: In the case you exhaust ideas, it is always good to watch other creators as to how they translated a concept into a video. After watching, note your observations and similarities/dissimilarities and compile a video reflecting your style. Once you have an excellent concept frame, it is time to refine the idea to the last detail before beginning the creation process. The more time you spend on preparation, the better are the chances of creating something original and unique that resonates with the audience. During the post-production stage, let creativity with a purpose loose and use an appropriate online video editor.
  • Create quality: Today, most viewers habitually see high-quality videos on various websites. This makes it pertinent to use sound equipment to shoot videos. You can begin with an iPhone or an audio-visual oriented smartphone. As your business profits, you must invest in professional camera equipment and other peripherals like lights, tripods, and microphones. Take meticulous care to ensure the first video impression impacts as intended, without a turn-off at the onset.
  • Humanise the brand: A video with heavy insistence on only products or services is less likely to click with the audience. Instead, showcase faces and emotions to elicit a good response. Spell out and display how the product will integrate into the users’ life and ease related concerns or requirements. You can encourage your employees to speak about the product on-camera, without just relying on voice-overs when introducing a product. If you are an established brand, then getting customer glowing testimonials can provide a much-needed boost to the video.  
  • Turn-off auto-play: Just because you have put in a great effort, auto-play can be tempting; avoid it altogether. Instead, give the audience a choice. Currently, most users are multi-tasking with several open tabs on their browser. There is nothing more annoying than automatic video plays without instant identification of where audio started, as it pleased. Respect the audience. Give them a chance to glance over the content before deciding for them. If they feel respected and interested, they are likely to browse around. 
  • Know the metrics: Now that you have given some weeks to the video on the website. It is time to analyse the data and find how the video performed. The most accessible tool is Google Analytics, which tracks all video viewers and checks visitor trends. Based on the analytics, you can tweak your video strategy and make corrections to make it more attractive to a future audience. Keep your initial goal in mind and observe/compare/revise/update the data analyses to increase brand recognition and generate new leads. 

Final Thoughts

The blog contained ideas on creating great business videos for company websites. But this does not mean your entire focus should be only on videos. Pay proper attention to the rest of the content on the website and ensure to optimise it for SEO. After all, the video might get you initial visitors, but the rest of the content on the website will prolong their visit and get the necessary word-of-mouth or shares. 

There may be many online editors currently available in the market. However, as an astute video editing student, one must go for the most easy-to-use, progressive and user-friendly tool that comes with enough tutorials and features to set you on the right path to video editing.