The pinnacle of WPO (Web Performance Optimization) relates to optimizing the loading speed of a website. The importance of optimizing our website in different ways is to get good search engine positioning.

When developing an SEO strategy, improvements need to be implemented to optimize web performance through proper CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) and WPO. Because this guarantees us better results in our organic positioning.

Although CRO, we could include it as a strategy in the company’s marketing plan. The WPO is more oriented towards the tasks of the technical and web development team. Because as we expect, the aim is to improve the loading time of a website.

Key Benefits Of WPO

The WPO is an essential aspect of web design and development in terms of the following business areas:

  • Customer Experience: Optimizing your website’s loading speed can improve user experience, preventing them from leaving your website and finding answers or products and services elsewhere.
  • Marketing: Digital marketing transforms how businesses promote products and services. Making your website fast-loading can boost your digital marketing tactics. Hence, your website can attract more sales qualified leads or interested web visitors with the intention to buy. So, whether you want to conduct content marketing, social media marketing, or any other digital marketing strategies, have a fast-loading site.
  • Sales: Boost your sales by enhancing your website’s loading speed. This web element is crucial to reducing bounce rate or the percentage of visitors leaving your website right after entering. If your visitors find your site engaging, you have a higher chance of winning their business.

How do we get a good WPO?

WPO grew out of Google’s announcement that a website’s loading speed is important to its positioning. Hence, it will be responsible for analyzing and suggesting changes that will reduce the time that users can fully view a page. How to improve your user experience. You can improve user experience in your website with the help of reputable web design and development companies such as Azuro Digital websites and similar companies.

Weaving performance

In the words of Steve Souders, WPO team leader at Google, “WPO is similar to SEO in terms of optimizing loading time and increasing traffic to your website. WPO doesn’t end here, however. There is clear evidence that WPO also improves the user experience, increases profits and reduces operating costs. ”

To achieve a good WPO it is necessary to optimize the website at the client and server level. Inefficient source codes, bad database configuration. Or incorrect server configuration are factors that affect a bad WPO, make a website slow and have 7% fewer conversions.

Tips for optimizing the loading speed

Some “good practices” we can use to improve our website’s WPO are as follows:

  • WPO – web loading speed
  • Correct server configuration
  • We have to take into account certain technical aspects of the server that significantly affect the loading time of the website, such as:
  • Storage capacity: Avoid using minimal hard drive capacity, as we can run out of storage space, which prevents our website from loading quickly and optimally.
  • RAM capacity: Low RAM means slower and more inefficient loading processes.

Avoid server overhead: A saturated hosting avoids an optimal TTFB (time to the first byte).

  • Optimize server behavior: We can choose the following for this:
  • Understanding of use: By compressing the documents on our website into Gzip format, they become weightless and thus improve the loading speed.
  • Use the browser cache: This prevents the same user from sending fewer requests to the server when the same user visits our website, which reduces the access time and the loading of the website.
  • Reduce the number of calls to the server: It is optimal that a page does not have more than 50-60 downloads when loading, since a browser normally does not support more than five calls in parallel, the rest of them stay in line waiting. an answer.

Hosting multimedia content on external services: In general, audio files, presentations, and videos are multimedia content that take up a lot of space. An effective measure is to host them on external services to reduce the load on our server.

TTFB control

It will be necessary to optimize the database, reduce latency and, as we have seen, keep the server slightly overloaded.

Combine CSS and JS files

When developing a website it is normal to have many JavaScript (js) files for defining styles (CSS), which causes many requests to the server (one per file). We can avoid this if we combine the content of all of our websites in a single file. Take into account the importance of loading CSS and js in the correct order for the page to display correctly.

Put CSS at the beginning of the document

Placing the CSS files in the header of the page’s HTML allows for a better user experience by loading the web style as quickly as possible.

Place the JS at the end of the document

When the browser encounters a JavaScript file, it will stop loading while the download is in progress. And then it runs and continues to load. Placing these files at the end of the HTML document improves the user experience. Because the user can use the page even if not all of the js are loaded.


Optimizing your web loading speed is crucial to attaining your website’s optimum performance. Achieve your online marketing and sales goals by ensuring that your website speed is more than satisfactory. In this way, your website can attract more and diverse audiences, greatly benefiting your business.